Bike Donations

Donation Drop Offs
Hours (no appointment necessary):
MW 9am – 11am
TuTh 6:30pm – 9pm
Sat 2:30pm – 5pm

1500 N. Walnut Street
Wilmington, DE 19801

In addition to our posted hours, appointments are also available M-F, 9am – 5pm. Please contact us if you need to schedule an appointment.

Donation Pick Ups
To schedule a pick up, please contact us. We can not guarantee availability of pick ups. Pick ups available for New Castle County locations only.

What Donations Are Accepted?
Used Bicycles – any type, any size, any condition
Bicycle Accessories
Tools – please only donate tools in good working order

What Happens To My Donated Bicycle?
The bike will be refurbished by staff, volunteers or youth participants and used for one of our programs. Specific use depends on the condition of the bicycle and our current needs:

  • Sell it during Open Shop: Used bikes offer an affordable and sustainable alternative for Wilmington families, and proceeds support our other programs.
  • Give it away through our Free Bike Program: Low-income adults enrolled in this program use their bikes to get to work, medical appointments, grocery stores, and other necessary services.
  • Give it away through one of our Youth Programs: Young people learn mechanics to earn a free bike, which they use to explore their community, connect with nature, and gain independence and confidence.
  • Give it away for Christmas: Our annual holiday giveaway provides Christmas presents for 70+ Wilmington youth ages 4-7.
  • Scrap it for parts: If we can’t salvage the bike, we’ll save any usable parts which our customers use to repair their bikes at low or no cost.

Other Ways To Help:

  • Volunteer your time, energy, and expertise.
  • Spread the word! UBP is always looking for organizations to partner with, events, and people in need of bikes or bike repair help. Like us on Facebook to get started.
  • Make a financial contribution.
A Youth Shop participant and his bike, which he earned by taking six mechanics classes. All bikes used for our programs are donated!