Traci Currie, Youth Program Coordinator

Traci Evadne Currie has been in the education and communication field for 20+ years as a professor of Communication Studies, Teaching Artist in Performance Studies, multi-disciplined facilitator, program director and artist-activist. This Jamerican’s passion is fueled by the work she has done with youth in the public schools and juvenile detention system in the South and Midwest regions. Her focus is compassion-building that revolves around trauma and creating inclusive environments in various social spaces. Her Ph.D. in Media Studies; M.F.A. in Film Studies; B.A. in Communication Studies, with a concentration in African American and Cultural Studies allow her to cross a variety of disciplines and work across cultural spaces as an auto-ethnographer and life-long student.

As a writer and performing poet, she focuses her artistry in areas addressing social stigmas and social injustices, especially as it relates to gender roles, racism, sexism and xenophobia. Her love for the outdoors keeps her active (i.e. traveling, swimming, hiking and biking). Her comfort hobbies are knitting/crocheting, movie-watching, taking naps, and most important, spending time with loved ones.

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